Cottingley Village Primary School

  1. Parents
  2. Homework Information

Homework Information

Homework at Cottingley Village Primary School

Each week the children will be expected to read at home with an adult a specific number of times. This can be recorded in their planner. Books will be changed regularly in line with the school policy.

Maths skills and fluency can be developed using a range of different APPS. At school we have a login to Times Table Rock Stars for Years 3-6 and Numbots for Year R-2. Please practice this with your child.  Your child’s class teacher will set challenges linked to certain skills and there will be competitions between different classes within school and the Trust.

NumBots Years 1 & 2

Times Table Rock Stars Year 3 - 6

Cross Curricular

Over the course of the year 30 activities and experiences have been  set out for you and your child to select at an appropriate time. You can do them in any order, at any time.

30 Things to do in your child's year group


Spellings/phonics will be set on a half termly basis following the School Spelling Scheme. Please practice these with your child. This can be done online via Spelling Shed or using a range of fun spelling activities.

Link for Spelling Shed