Cottingley Village Primary School

  1. Parents
  2. Parent Involvement Worker

Parent Involvement Worker

My name is Gail Kelley and I am the Parental Involvement Worker (PIW) here at Cottingley Village Primary School.

I have been a member of the Cottingley Village Primary School community since 2002 as a parent and been also been involved with the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) throughout many of those years. The (PTA) runs various events throughout the year such as discos and gift rooms which your child has the opportunity to take part in. The PTA is a great way for parents and carers to be more involved with the school.

My PIW role is to provide a link between school and you, our parents, carers and friends. I can provide help, advice and support for you and your family, from your child starting in Nursery or Reception and throughout their school journey until they leave us in Year 6.

I am based in the Community Room on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
You will see me in the playground on Tuesday and Thursday mornings so feel free to come and say hello!
I can be contacted via the office (01274 567545) and I will get back to you

My email address is:
I look forward to meeting you and your family.