Cottingley Village Primary School

  1. Our School
  2. Children's Voice
  3. Buddies


At Cottingley Village Primary School we have Buddies that help make our school an even better place to be. The children are Buddies for 9 weeks and they do a different job each week following a rota. Please have a look at the 'Buddy Booklet' to find out more about their roles.

The children have to write a letter of application if they wish to become a buddy.

The School Council reads the applications and sends them a letter inviting them for interview. At the interview the School Council asks them questions based on their letters of application. If they are successful at their interview they then receive a job offer letter and sign a contract if they wish to accept.

The Buddies are given the opportunity to feedback to the School Council with suggestions on how they think the Buddy system can be improved. Pupils at the school have also fed back on what they think of the Buddies.

Please meet our Buddies for this term

Our Buddies and their partners